
The Future of Temporary Cycle Counts: Radar/Lidar

The Future of Temporary Cycle Counts: Radar/Lidar

MultiSensors recently took an innovative step by enabling temporary bicycle counts using radar and lidar technology. Whereas previously we only offered permanent counts, our accurate and reliable measurements are now also available...

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Will speedsters on bike lanes be addressed?

Will speedsters on bike lanes be addressed?

The rapid rise of e-bikes, fatbikes, cargobikes, and speed pedelecs has led to a significant difference in speed between the traditional bicycle and its electrically powered counterparts. Speeds on bike lanes now regularly fail to meet the...

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The future of safe bike lanes

The future of safe bike lanes

Oct. 9, 2023 The increasing use of bicycle paths in the Netherlands, especially in urban areas such as Amsterdam, and the evolution of bicycle traffic caused by the introduction of e-bikes, highlight the need for a robust and safe bicycle infrastructure....

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Data, Mobility, and the Future of Our Traffic

Data, Mobility, and the Future of Our Traffic

Oct. 9, 2023 An important milestone was reached in June: the link with the National Data Portal Road Traffic (NDW) platform is operational! This means that data from our "My Cycle Traffic" SAAS platform can now be shared with NDW. A big...

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Effects of taking the bike more often

Effects of taking the bike more often

July 23, 2021 Moving more is healthy and biking is better for the environment than driving. Actually, we all know that. But now there are also figures showing the huge differences in the effects of choosing bike or car. Effects on healthThe...

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Bicycle highways; What it delivers

Bicycle highways; What it delivers

July 9, 2021 With more and more people buying e-bikes, the bicycle expressway will be widely used in the relatively near future. It is expected that the bicycle expressway will lower the threshold for going to work by bicycle or e-bike quite a bit. Due to the...

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How safe are the bike lanes after Covid-19?

How safe are the bike lanes after Covid-19?

May 5, 2021 We live in strange times. The bicycle industry sold a whopping 1.1 million new bikes in 2020, of which 547,000 were e-bikes. That's a 30% increase over 2019. Many pedelecs were also sold. Still, bike lanes in the...

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