Bike also after crisis as safe alternative to public transport

Sep 3, 2020 | Mobility

Bike also after crisis as safe alternative to public transport

Sept. 3, 2020

Cities like Paris, London, Budapest and Rome are rapidly constructing makeshift bike lanes, streets are being made car-free, and plans for bicycle infrastructure have been dusted off. Even in the Netherlands, the Corona crisis is stimulating bicycle use. Sales of e-bikes for commuting have skyrocketed and a bike ride as a leisure activity has gained considerable popularity. The question now is whether people will continue to take to their bikes after the crisis. That cycling is better for health and the environment is now well known. The expectation is that many people will continue to use the bicycle only as long as they can travel from A to B safely and almost as quickly as by public transport or car. It is therefore important to make haste now to improve bicycle infrastructure and car-free inner cities. To properly map the increase in the number of cyclists and make the right decisions about improving infrastructure, accurate measurement data are needed. Where and when are e-bikes, road bikes and pedelecs increasing among cargo bikes and children's bikes? These are the unsafe moments. Multisensors' Signum measurement equipment provides the most accurate information, even during peak hours, about which bike lanes are busier and more unsafe now and how they are used. With this data, governments can determine where new bike lanes should be built and which ones they should modify. Good bike infrastructure will certainly help ensure that people continue to take to their bikes after the crisis.

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